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Events and Training Programs


Laurelin Retreat provides many opportunities for learning, interaction, challenge, and transformation. Whether a formal series of classes, an event with thought-provoking workshops, a monthly potluck with like-minded people, or a spiritually-based fraternal organization, there is always something new to experience.


Events at Laurelin

Check out our calendar on the Laurelin Community page for upcoming events.


We generally put on one large Lughnasadh festival the first week in August, plus smaller rituals and gatherings for Samhain, Yule/Krampusnacht, Imbolg (the photo is from our Imbolg celebration!), Beltane, Midsummer, and Harvest.

Distance Training Programs


rEvolutions 1: Elements of Mastery


This 1-year program uses the mythic symbols and tools of the Four Elements, numerology, Tarot, the  seasons and cycles of the moon, combined with such diverse fields as transpersonal psychology, oriental medicine and the western mysteries to assist the student in an exploration of their own personal spiritual evolution. The program includes a weekly journal of meditations and exercises, monthly lectures and information, a quarterly newsletter, an online community, and an opportunity for intensive, initiations and more.   Cost: $240/ year ($20/ month)


rEvolutions 2: Elemental Stewardship


Building off of the Elements of Mastery program, this 2-year program is an opportunity to work deeply and broadly with one single element - Earth, Air, Fire or Water.   Students learn the magical, mystical, mythical, medical and practical uses of their specific element as they become Stewards  both to and of that element in their spiritual and personal communities.  Cost: $480/ year ($20/ month)


Elemental Healer Training


This nine-module (3 year) program uses a combination of online and in-person instruction.  Students learn:

- the elemental medical systems of Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Greek humoral medicine

- diagnostic skills including pulse and tongue diagnosis, energy dowsing, aura reading, muscle testing, interviewing and other methods

- treatment strategies such as: reiki, homeopathy, eastern and western herbology, diet and lifestyle counseling, acupressure, auricular treatment, body work, magical healing, and transpersonal counseling.   Cost: $1000/ year

Community Minister Training

This non-denominational 3-year training provides all of the skills and knowledge to serve as an effective minister in your community.  Skills covered include: effective ritual, weddings, funerals and other rites of passage, pastoral counseling, administration, ethical and legal issues, public relations, and chaplaincy.  Opportunities for ordination are available to successful graduates.  Cost $1000/ year


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